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Nowhere was
state paternalism and its folly better demonstrated than by what happened in
the North Shuswap this past summer (2023). The local population of the North
Shuswap demonstrated extraordinary courage, extraordinary resourcefulness,
fortitude, and effectiveness. Were their efforts lauded, supported, and
augmented by the government, no, in fact, the government impeded their efforts,
confiscated their property, and obstructed them from defending their own
property. This blitz of authoritarianism stemmed from the arrogance of administrators in both the BC Wildfire Service and the Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD). It was with absolute dismay that I witnessed the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) become the hard edge of bad judgment and
disregard for personal liberty. To add insult to injury, mainstream media
besmirched the North Shuswap Residents (NSR) as thieves taking equipment and
touting the official line, failing to tell the true story of NSRs in a
meaningful way.
A story relayed to me went as follows: the CSRD issued an evacuation order. Three homeowners received the directive; two entrusted their homes to the CSRD's care, while one chose to defend his property. He stayed with a pump from the lake and his boat for an
escape and fought the fire – he is fine, his house is fine, and his neighbours’
houses are gone. Whose judgment was sound and whose was not – the results
indicate clearly.
It was
reported to me that the BC Wildfire Service (BCWFS) decided to evacuate their
crews due to a too-high level of risk. BCWFS evacuated their crews, but the locals
stayed and were effective in staying the advance of the fire. The locals
succeeded in that task, they are fine – who had better judgment, the results
indicate clearly.
It was
reported to me that a man had a tank in the back of his pickup. He was working
in his community putting out spot fires – his truck, his gas, his effort – to
be of service to his neighbours. He kept working even though authorities had
insisted everyone shelter in place. Presumably, he knew, sheltering in place was
stupid and ineffective when there are spot fires that threaten to create large
fires and that’s why he RIGHTFULLY defied the order. The 'authorities' confiscated his truck and forced him to walk home, purportedly for his safety. Such decisions, made by inexperienced individuals remotely assessing safety concerns, disregarded his autonomy. Retrospective analysis clearly upholds the judgment of NSR
and clearly indicates the poor judgment of government actors.
There was
some nattering about training, the assertion was that citizens to protect their
own property required a course in firefighting. So, this would indicate a 20-something with the life experience of a lab rat and a course was better
equipped to fight a fire than the man that had worked in the woods his whole life,
donated his own caterpillar to the cause, and began to cut a fireguard. It was
reported to me, that the brave, generous citizen that acted was rewarded by
being fined. I have used the water device to put out spot fires, and I have made
fire guard … these are very basic tasks that you can learn in minutes, no
course required – if you can muster up the manual dexterity to urinate, you can
manage a Pulaski.
can be important, the challenge of course the giving of credentials has become
an industry, a profit center unto itself. When I was seven years of age, my
family had lost our father. My older brother, at 17 years of age, was tasked
with putting up the hay. Logistics demanded that the hay be raked while he
bailed the hay, and he asked me to help. He showed me how to operate the tractor
before, for fun, the raking hay was a new task, he gave me instructions, and I
followed them. I was proud to be able to contribute in a meaningful way and I am
here to tell the story. I see adults having to take courses to operate a motorcycle
or quads and side by sides. I think it would be hard to find a person my age
who is absent from the experience of jumping on a machine, figuring out how to use
it, and putting it to use. Caution is required of course, but everyone I know my
age did and we’re all fine. One
understands the value of training, it can be necessary. One must, however, balance
the value of training with stupid false imperatives associated with credentials,
credentials that the granting of is a profit center and credentials that are serving
as a supply management function under the guise of safety imperatives.
I have a
good deal of respect for people who fight forest fires, the young people on the
ground. One understands the imperative to attend to their safety. One understands the concern of leadership to
reduce the risk in a risky endeavour. The challenge is, that there is no reward
for risk for the leaders fighting the fire, so they are risk-averse. A person
defending their life’s work, a farm, a ranch, a business are willing to fight
tooth and nail, they are willing to risk everything, perhaps even their life –
no state actor has the right to stand in their way. When one is fighting for
their life’s work, they are willing to take risks they would never expect or
want the young people who are employed by the government to take.
It is
important to note, that people are allowed to risk their lives in defense of
themselves and their property – there is a large body of law to support this fact, and obstructing them from doing so excites Section Seven of the Charter.
It is
perverse to me that the assertion by members of government and the press that a
person defending their life’s work is somehow putting first responders at risk –
when a property owner is pursuing an action that involves risk, the decision whether to
respond or not should they come under distress lays firmly with the first
responder. The actions of the Wildfire Service indicate these judgments were
made, they felt it too risky to fight the fire for a time and withdrew, leaving
citizens there to defend their properties.
When the government obstructs a citizen from defending their own property, it is taking control of the citizen’s property. This is a de facto act of expropriation. The only time the government is permitted to expropriate property is when there is a clear and pressing public interest. When one’s barn is on fire, the only pressing interest is to put it out; the public interest is inherently satisfied by the owner’s actions, if they have success the fire never spreads. Government actors are often saying they possess a liability if people defend their property and get harmed – incorrect interpretation of the law. The government has a liability in obstructing (effectively the temporary expropriation of property) and effecting a loss to the landowner. This assertion is made under the rubric of Section 7 law, a law that the BC Emergency Program Act (EPA) is subordinated to.
The manner
in which the EPA is being administered is effecting several ills, all vividly
displayed in the North Shuswap this summer. The act itself is poorly constructed
as such its use generates gross overbreadth and permits an obscene degree of authoritarianism.
I have been affected personally by the act. I have arrived at roadblocks personed
by varying authorities, in every instance when I’ve requested a copy of the
order that is authorizing the roadblock none have produced the order. Often it
is just a civilian standing there as opposed to a police officer. It seems then
anyone can arbitrarily block a road. At every instance in Canada, when one’s
liberty is impaired, it must be done so by fundamental law, the only way a
citizen can know this is being attended to is by knowing what law is governing them.
By extension, one must have the opportunity for legal recourse, in this case injunctive
relief. The only means to seek legal recourse is by knowing what law is
affecting one.
reviewing policy related to Covid 19 I have found interesting reading that
indicates the use of government edicts that suppress fundamental freedoms are
ineffective, or, rendered mute by public behavior. When a mother is informed that a fire is likely to consume her home and endanger her children, her immediate response is to load them into the car and evacuate. There is no requirement
to order her to leave providing the government actors delivering the message
are credible. When the government gives notice of impending danger, people are grateful
and respond – so that is what the government should do. Issue notices of
impending danger and recommend the means to respond to that danger. This
transforms the government from descending into state paternalism and all its
trapping to an entity providing needed data.
When you say to a rancher who has been running their ranch for 30 years and spent his life taking care of himself and his property, there is a fire coming that is likely to consume your ranch, he’ll look over the hill, contemplate the assertion and makeup is mind whether to stay or go – that is his choice to make. There was this very circumstance at Risky Creek some years ago, the ranchers stayed, fought the fire, and prevailed, had they left all would have been lost. They did so in contravention of an evacuation order, had they left by order of the government, and their property destroyed, the government should have been expected to be held libel.
If you read this and have some antidotes to offer or input to offer please do. This has taken the form of a blog post, it is excerpted from a government report I am preparing. Any data you might add may serve to help effect a change in the behaviour of the government and its subordinates.
RE: The City of Kamloops Climate Action Plan (KCAP)
In an effort to effect action in combating climate change, there has been an exaggeration generated by proponents of climate action, an exaggeration that has a very serious challenge elevated to a “climate emergency”. This exaggeration has wrought the public's map of reality with respect to environmental challenges and most egregious, it has taken our collective “eye” off of very real environmental challenges; environmental challenges we can do something about. The document associated with this policy initiative reads as much as a social engineering initiative as it does an environmental initiative, as is often the case, social initiatives come under the guise of environmental concern. It is a combination of climate “emergency” exaggeration and environmental issues being highjacked for social purposes that has generated a mountain of ineffective environmental policy – as the Kamloops Climate Action Plan largely is.
I submit that the KCAP will have no positive effect on climate whatsoever. The KCAP was very lean on financial data by which to judge the cost/benefit picture, so I have no idea what the total cost will be. One thing I am certain of, there will be costs. So, there will be costs and no effect on climate whatsoever.
I’m finding the parking in the downtown a deterrent; I find myself going elsewhere to shop. The envisioned reconfiguration to a “10 Minute” neighbourhood should terrify anybody in the present retail space.
There was a suggestion that funds for the plan may come in part from an increase in Development Cost Charges. I was unable to ascertain a total figure for DCCs from the bylaw data on the city’s website. Anything that increases the cost of housing attacks Kamloop's livability. It is important to remember young people purchasing a home, in the main, do so with credit. While interest rate dependent, as a rule of thumb, triple any cost you add to a home to account for the total mortgaged amount paid. Transaction costs on homes are astronomical when contextualized to this reality.
Rebutting the Premise of the KCAP
“Unfortunately, climate change threatens this future, and many of its impacts are already being felt, including increasing extreme summer heat waves and droughts, more frequent and intense wildfires, seasonal flooding, warmer winter temperatures leading to pine beetle infestations, changes to stream flow affecting salmon populations, and stresses to natural ecosystems and agriculture. Climate scientists predict that these impacts will only intensify as average global temperatures continue to rise.”
Excerpt from the KCAP is the kind of comment that presents an emergency
where a challenge exists. Attributing short-term analysis to a long-term
problem is always foolhardy, the degree to which people attribute every event as proof positive climate change is real is embarrassing. We had the dust
bowls of the 1930s, millions displaced and starved, and there were large forest
fires during that decade. This has been
true throughout history.
I share people’s concerns regarding issues like habitat depletion, pollution, and extinction. What is never mentioned, nor entered into the cost-benefit analysis, are the benefits of a warmer climate. Canada has millions of acres of marginal farmland, farmland marginalized by cold climate. Where we can only grow forage crops now, we’ll be able to grow grain. Just a marginal increase in temperature will allow a farmer to transition from Barley to Wheat for example. The Climate issue tends to have people touting fantasy solutions. We will never feed humanity on little local gardens; they can contribute but they’ll never be the solution – the green revolution and all the trappings of modern agriculture is what is needed to feed the world.
“But the worst impacts of climate change are not inevitable. By working together as a community and with all levels of government, we can minimize our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that contribute to climate change and increase our resilience to its impacts. This plan is a call to action, and it will require municipal, public, and private collaboration to combat climate change.”
There is nothing in this plan that will impact climate change. The only thing we can be sure of is that there will be disasters befall us, weather and otherwise. So, a call for preparedness makes sense. If we are prepared for weather events we are prepared for war, food shortages, and other negative events.
Framing the Issue
A full-sum discussion on the issue of climate change is outside the scope of this document, however, allow me to make a couple points. Please note the infographic below. If Canada eliminated all emissions, we’d have no effect on CO2 emissions and no real impact on climate change since the non-OECD nation’s gains in emissions would negate our reduction in emissions. So rather than directing funds toward something that no domestic effort can impact, we should direct resources to preparedness and adaptation.
I think any rational person can look at these facts and deduce that nothing Kamloops does will have any effect on climate change. That is true of Canada also. There is only one solution to carbon emissions, an emission-free $50 / barrel of oil equivalent. I should note also that these estimates are very optimistic given even Canada seems unable to meet climate targets.
to do
They say, if you criticize absent a suggested course of action, you’re just complaining.
Environmental Actions
Reducing the impact on the environment is always a good thing, so seeking efficiencies in transportation and housing makes sense. The plan recognizes this as an important part of the way forward. We can pursue that goal absent seeking to restructure our society, that is to say, we can do business as we do now and effect better use of resources.
The Fraser Basin Watershed is a gift to be treasured. A constructive thing that Kamloops can do is reduce the city’s downstream effect on the watershed. I’ve observed several instances where our “storm drainage” system spills directly into the North and South Thompson Rivers, this is a detrimental event, particularly for Salmon. We can take measures to direct runoff in a manner that prevents debris from road surfaces from finding its way into the river. We could put building code requirements that segregate gray water from black water, better allowing us to manage waste flow, perhaps directing gray water to irrigation – a practice used in other jurisdictions. We can encourage the use of composting toilets; if properly done, human waste becomes an asset rather than a liability.
We could have and should, transform our water system from pumping water from the river to using the abundance of high-elevation water near the city, thus, saving money and energy in the delivery of water – freeing up grid space for charging electric cars perhaps.
We could and should encourage the creative use of low-carbon, local materials in building processes. I had given some thought to this challenge; I prepared a discussion paper in 2013 that I submitted to the City of Kamloops and the Regional district – neither saw fit to reply. Click Here to View I should note that the building system is well established, it was substantiated as good and safe by the government of Manitoba so First Nations people could build homes from scrub timber.
There are thousands of piles like the one above in our region slated to be burnt, just wasted, I could likely build 2 or more houses out of this pile alone, inexpensive and enviro-friendly. Cooperation from authorities is required to pursue this type of solution for environmental and low-cost housing challenges.
I submit that the forest fire challenge we’ve been experiencing and our very expensive response to it is in large measure a manageable problem. I submit that successive provincial governments have failed to manage the forest aggressively enough, so once again the municipalities are forced to. I have noticed around the city that some initiative has been taken in interface areas, others are still in need of attention.
We need to expend more effort on developing wildlife corridors. Our city has an abundance of wildlife, we need to manage the wildlife. They often come into conflict with human activities. They often cross thoroughfares to access water, for example, with undesirable results. Simple actions like putting watering facilities to permit the deer to drink without going to the river; this simple act would have saved a dozen or so deer/car encounters on Westside Road that I am aware of.
Kamloops has large tracts of land left unattended that are a source of pestilence. Noxious weeds are growing in population. While efforts have been made in this regard, greater effort is required to avoid the city contributing to negative externalities.
is blessed with an abundance of park space; the challenge is to access it, one
nearly always needs to get in a car. What is deficient in the city is urban green space. Go to any 7-Eleven in the city and buy a Coffee and a muffin, then
look for a place to sit and eat, you’ll be frustrated.
There are many opportunities for our city to contribute to, and make a difference to the environment, we should focus our efforts on what we can do to effect positive impacts.
Preparedness tends to be a bit of an abstraction or a hypothetical, so people tend to turn a blind eye to it. No level of government in the country is investing at a sufficient level. As with most issues, like homelessness, when higher levels of government neglect the problem municipal governments are forced to deal with it.
At the risk of sounding alarmist, our circumstances have never been as perilous since the Cuban Missile Crisis. There are several viable scenarios that could lead to war. Tensions are very high. A disruption to the life of Kamloops citizens is as likely to come from a political misjudgment as a climate issue.
As we learned with something as normal as the Fraser River flooding, food and the basics of life can run out very quickly. Credit to retailers for making the adjustments necessary to the supply chain to get food to us from the east, had that corridor been blocked for some reason our lives would have become very difficult. If we allow our minds to go to WW2-type experiences where European cities experienced famine, we might begin to think about substantive means to ensure food security. While local producers are a critical element of the food security picture, they would likely be unable to fill the gap in a scenario of extended disturbance to the food supply.
One method that may be cost-effective is to have the Railroads leave railcars intended for the port of Vancouver loaded with eatable crops, lentils for example at a designated siding to be cycled out to ensure the food’s viability. The constant rotation of eatable crops would require some management. It may be a fee could be paid to hold them here for a time. It may mean the city purchases and sells the eatable crops; in bulk – one car in one car out. This would ensure a large enough volume of food stored in our city to feed people for an extended period of time at a fairly low cost. A “winter’s” supply perhaps. The rail transport of LNG may be a viable option in the future, the same arrangement may apply. One can contextualize the value of this strategy to Germany’s present circumstances.
There may be merit in approaching local producers like Blackwell Dairies to formulate a plan to expand production in the event of an extended interruption to our food supply. There is a substantive supply of beef in our area, the use and processing of this resource should be considered.
Of course, we need to coordinate with provincial and federal governments – they are seemingly unconcerned. If the Covid response is any indication of how governments would react to a “war” type threat, we’d better take the initiative to take care of ourselves.
In a war-type scenario, we’d have the prospect of the lower mainland’s population needing to be cared for inland. I am unsure where the city is on this issue, it would be a herculean task.
We have had the good fortune in Canada to have been free of war and to live with limited exposure to natural disasters. We did have the great depression and the dirty 30s. The great depression brought on by weather events was a painful chapter; the 80’s less so. If you put your head on the pillow believing that this condition is bound to continue, you are engaged in a failure of leadership. I’m not suggesting we build a Diefenbunker for us all to jump into, we do need to be prepared.
Neil E.
What has been lost in Western politics generally
has been lost in Canada, an eye to the greater good. Canadian governance has been
captured by special interests. Political bickering has reduced political
discourse to a team sport. Ineffective legislation is the norm. 25000 people per year die from preventable
medical accidents - I find the number alarming - yet it is never mentioned in
the news – likely more people than COVID on an annual basis and for COVID they
shut the country down. The challenge we face is the public's map of reality has
been warped by the press and the polarized political environment. People need
an honest broker to give them objective data so they can make accurate risk
assessments. Preventable medical accidents take 66 / 100,000, the drug crisis
19 / 100,000, total deaths by firearms .73 / 100, 000. Why are we frittering
away what will likely total 6 billion dollars on ineffective gun legislation?
Why would we rather build damns that destroy millions of acres of important
wildlife habitats, when modern nuclear power is safe and effective. Why has
Germany shut down the nuclear plants and been a "leader" in climate policy
only to send Russia 1 billion per day for natural gas? Why has Canada failed to
respond to the coming energy crisis in Europe by getting LNG up and running?
Governance in the West has taken an irrational turn and unless we change it,
we'll be leaving hell behind us for our grandchildren.
Neil E. Thomson
Alview Crescent
and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada
Wellington Street West
There are many people who think the CBC has run its course
as a useful institution. I am of the mind that the CBC has a useful place in
our country as an objective source of information. Now, more than ever in
history, we need to build a national narrative that builds societal harmony,
that recognizes the values of our nation as expressed in the Charter of Rights
and Freedoms and draws from history in a manner that gives Canadians an
accurate map of reality.
The reality is that our national narrative is being
fragmented, by the political process distorting the population's map of reality
due to competing rhetoric, the advent and uptake of social media, subversive
actors within Canada and various subversive non – Canadian actors (state actors
like Russia, China and other actors like foreign special interest groups).
Given this reality, we need a vetted, non-partisan data stream to the public.
The CBC has always been left-leaning;
the bias has been evident to me since I’ve become aware of political discourse.
The challenge I am having now as a long-time listener and friend of the CBC is
that your organization has become overtly supportive of the Liberal Government.
You have become a cheerleader for government policy, and you permit programming
that, in my opinion, is more than just bias, but distorts the map of reality of
the Canadian Public.
I could dedicate time to giving
you examples, I think it suffices to say, I perceive there to be a liberal bias
in CBC’s reporting of the news and many others do as well – you have a problem.
This is at a time when the politicization of issues is tearing us apart. We need now,
more than ever, to have an objective assessment of government performance to
counter the spin the political process generates. We need an organization that
brokers in the truth, truthfully.
As the CBC is conducting itself
now, it is sowing the seeds of its own demise. It is speaking to a very narrow
slice of the population – rather than harmonizing the national narrative, it is
contributing to division.
I have over the years enjoyed the
CBC’s journalism, respected the commentary, and felt an appreciation for the
relative superiority of CBC reporting and Canadian journalism generally. I
listen extensively to CBC radio, our local morning show, Spark with Nora Young,
Day Six, Quirks & Quarks Host with Bob McDonald and many more and find this
programming informative and interesting.
It would be a shame to lose this programming, by allowing a perception of
bias to diminish Canadian Public’s faith in the CBC to the point there is no
one there to defend you.
Excerpt from my recent book – On
Canadian Governance
The events of the past few years,
primarily the Covid-19 response, but also, the disaster response in British
Columbia and the events related to Ukraine have brought serious societal
fissures and governance deficiencies into resolution. The propensity for every
challenge that faces us to be distorted by political discourse and then the
extreme division it is causing has become alarming. There are many causal
factors at play. The most damaging one is the fragmentation of our
nation’s narrative, the cleaving of social perspective between “progressives”
and “anti-capitalism” movements versus the “establishment”. This internal
competition for hearts and minds is played upon by external players whose
interests are served by exacerbating social division.
Canada is an exemplary country.
We educate our people. We have a compassionate social perspective, and we enjoy
a standard of living that puts us at the pinnacle of human existence. The
social strife that has emerged threatens both the egg and the goose. There are
movements afoot that are keen to throw away the various systems and
institutions that provided us with all we have. I observe governments,
businesses, professionals, and members of the public conducting themselves in
contempt of the foundational elements of our society, treating fundamentals
like the rule of law, hard-won civil liberties as hurdles to get over, rather
than attending to both the spirit and the letter of the law. When foundational
elements of our society, the very principles our country is founded on, are
seen to be manipulated or ineffective a crack opens for further division fueled
by “revolutionary” and competing narratives.
What is missing is an overarching
narrative, one that is held by us all. I have posted Section 7 of the Charter
of Rights and Freedoms on various social media platforms and encountered people
afraid to affirm its validity openly and strongly, yet they will in confidence
- I hope this concerns you. In my youth attending our public education system,
there were many many instances when teachers would contrast our free society
with that of the Soviet Union. George Orwell’s book Animal Farm was read aloud
to me by my teacher in grade 6 and we talked about the evils of unchecked and
centralized state power. We would encounter a clear and common narrative that
our way of life, our governance modes, and our market system are the best.
There are two things Canadians need to know, that they are presently the most
prosperous people in human history and how that happened – unless priority is
given to ensuring that Canadians do know, our society will unravel. All we’ve
built here will implode under the weight of a people with maps of reality
distorted by political spin and the voices of dissidents foreign and domestic.
The first step in the process
then is agreeing on a narrative that serves to stabilize and support our
country and our values and secondly, propagandizing that narrative. One
symbolic gesture to start the process would be to have every member of
parliament stand at attention in front of the parliament buildings while the
first 15 sections of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms scroll by on big
screens with Old Canada playing and the entire undertaking being streamed to
every media channel in the country. The process would close with the
Governor-General giving a short speech extending to Canadians permission to
preserve and protect the values expressed in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
with vigour and pride. Our people and the enemies of freedom need to see that we
stand together and for something.
Having agreed on the theme of the
overarching narrative, the government could actively promote the narrative
through various initiatives – more intensive Canadian Studies in schools.
Furthermore, the government could actively market the narrative via various
media forums. Further, the subversion of western values is hardly contained
within our borders – it is far-reaching. We need a collective effort on the
part of the CBC in concert with like-minded entities like the BBC, ABC and
others to tell the story of our prosperity – a truth demonstrated by merely
listing the most prosperous peoples in the world – the G20 to start – who have
gained their prosperity through the combination of civil rights, a market
economy and robust social support.
Unless we fill the void the
absent narrative leaves, others will fill it with their own interests in mind;
the assent of authoritarianism will continue unabated. Shakespeare taught us
that “the pen is mightier than the sword”, however, unless the pen is used
pervasively and persuasively apathy will leave no other option than the sword.
The world is standing on a precipice. Rarely has our way of life been more
challenged – the “dark clouds of authoritarianism” are looming – action is required
We need objective assessment and honest reporting on climate
policy in Canada. There has been real damage done to our economy in the name of
climate change – with a policy that is detached from reality. I can demonstrate on
several fronts that our economy has been damaged frivolously. When I listen to
the CBC, I hear an unquestioning stream of “support” for climate policy and the
overall climate agenda and very little questioning.
Our present basket of climate legislation in Canada has failed
to move us away from fossil fuel use or toward responsible use of fossil fuels,
has pointlessly damaged our energy sector and has left us unable to respond to
Europe’s energy needs, thereby financing Russia’s war in Ukraine. This is a
calamitous outcome that is presently being left unaddressed by any branch of
One can recognize that there are serious environmental
challenges facing us all and still have a healthy debate on approach. The
propensity to label people questioning present policy as “climate deniers” or
the demonization of people opposed to some initiatives is damaging and must be
challenged; the CBC has a role to play here.
I am an advocate for vaccines.
I am also a champion for human rights and the principles
expressed in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Vax Card program in
British Columbia was a de facto forced medication program – it was very
coercive. I heard very little if any discussion in opposition to the program
from the CBC. There is a massive body of law, including related to section 7
challenges, that demands that all medical treatment be voluntary, or that medical
treatment can be refused. The Charter Rights breaches and infringements that occurred
as a result of Covid policies need to be examined and published.
One of the issues that has been present throughout the
pandemic has been the question of medical freedom, the right to the domain over
mind and body. The right to medical choice is enshrined in our legal system.
Normally, our right to medical choice is governed by Section 7 of the Charter –
The right to life, liberty, and security of person. The spirit of Section 7,
heavily distilled is as follows, one can do as they please absent harm to
others. The only means by which this state of liberty can be interrupted is by
the application of fundamental law. The pandemic response was wrought with
infringements and breaches of this right and others – none of which have been
covered by the CBC in a meaningful way. There is no compelling evidence I can
find when contextualizing the pandemic response to the fair balance test, that
justified the response that was undertaken in many cases.
It is critical that there is post-Covid policy assessment by
objective third parties, the CBC has a role to play here also. To date, I’ve
heard nothing comprehensive come from the CBC on the subject. I have been
reading other sources that indicate that the Covid policy was a catastrophic
failure – effectively stating that the Covid policy caused more harm than good.
As one who consumes a lot of news from the CBC, I want to
see an objective assessment of the Covid response.
What compelled me to write this
letter is the completely inadequate way the “Truckers’ Convoy” was covered. The
new word of choice from the left was used liberally, “populists”, code now for
non-intellectuals, racists and ult-right were directed toward the Truckers. CBC
programs reporting offering “retrospective analysis” of the convoy featured
Donald Trump early in the program – intentionally, I believe, to associate the
Truckers with Trump-style politics. What I witnessed in the coverage was very
close to pro-government propaganda, rather than, reporting that brokered in complete ideas. None of the nuances associated with the issues being raised
there were given coverage, the CBC sensationalized news in a manner that makes
CNN and Fox news look unadulterated.
I hear in great deal pro-gun control reporting in the form
of detailed reporting on “mass’ shootings in the US. In one instance 3 people
were shot in the US, while this event is a upsetting event, the extensive
reporting on these events tends to distort public perception in relation to
Canadian gun ownership. There is no justification for the recent gun control
initiatives on the part of the federal government. Please see below an open
Letter to Justine Trudeau. The public’s perception of risk associated with
Canadian firearm ownership is distorted and it needs to be corrected. The present efforts on
the part of the government are a complete waste of resources.
The Honourable Justin
Ottawa, Ontario,
K1A 0A6
Dear Sir,
RE: Firearm Legislation
I can demonstrate clearly that there is no justification for the most
recent government gun control initiatives. When the issue is contextualized to
societal risks generally, a person legally owning a firearm of any kind fails
to make muster as a justification for a governmental intrusion on the right to
own a firearm. There is a fulsome body of law in relation to property rights
and the expropriation of same. There is also a long-standing cultural and
(British / Canadian) legal tradition dating back 400 years in support of
citizen ownership of firearms. Further, and more importantly, Section 7 of the
Charter of Rights and Freedoms is excited in relation to this matter, both
under the rubric of liberty generally and security of person. Further again,
Section 15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is excited, as these
government actions unjustifiably discriminate against an unenumerated class of
people. Please, let me reason with you, please consider the
Excerpt from my
recent book – On Canadian Governance
A useful concept to use to consider in relation to gun control is called
the “Availability Heuristic Salient” (AHS). In instances where the
AHS affects public opinion, the ease of imagining an example or the vividness
and emotional impact of that example becomes more credible than the actual
statistical probability. Because an example is easily brought to mind or
mentally "available", the single example is considered representative
of the whole, rather than as just a single example in a range of data. Salient
events tend to distort the judgement of risk.
There are issues where Availability Heuristic Salient drives policy
that is detached from mathematical reality and this distorts public
perception and the political process, one such policy area is gun
control. People who are unfamiliar with firearms are intimidated by them. They
hear about mass shootings on television, they see movies with
guns going off. They have repeated exposure to the most extreme
outcome of firearm use and the pro-gun control lobby uses the high level of
saliency to support, what is truly an irrational position.
The government of Canada spent approximately 2.7 billion dollars on a
long gun registry. Then, in 2012 the long gun registry was scrapped with no
significant effect on public safety – 2.7 billion dollars wasted. The
government of Canada at the time of writing, is embarking on the banning of
certain classes of firearms and implementing a freeze on handguns. The ban on
certain classes of firearms involves a “buyback” program – the total cost of
which ranges from 2.6 to 6.7 billion dollars according to a Fraser Institute
article written July 30, 2021.
According to Statistics Canada “In 2020, police reported a total of 743
homicide victims in Canada or a rate of 1.95 per 100,000 population. For 277 of
these victims, a firearm was used to commit the homicide (for a rate of 0.73
homicides per 100,000 population). “Overall, one in four (25%) female victims
of firearm-related violent crime were victimized by a current or former spouse
or another intimate partner.”
Deaths (Risk) / 100,000 |
of Death |
Rate /
100,000 |
IPD (Intimate Partner Deaths) |
0.046 |
Deaths by Firearms |
0.180 |
Deaths Excluding Suicide |
0.180 |
Deaths by Firearms |
0.730 |
Vehicle Fatalities |
4.600 |
or Older Male – Aspirin |
10.400 |
Suicide |
10.600 |
and Stimulant-related Harms |
19.500 |
Preventable Accidents |
66.000 |
Falling (Occupational Risk in the United States) |
357.000 |
In Canada, 277 people per year are killed in gun-related incidents (one
would be too many) yet we are spending as much as $8 billion on gun control and
nothing on a medical records system when in Canada 25,000 people die each year
from preventable medical accidents. In the context of rational thought, medical
accidents should be our priority.
Here are a few points to illustrate how politicization distorts response
to real-world problems. There is no factual support that the Canadian public
will be safer because of the billions spent on gun control, yet the government
is doing it anyway. The legally restricted guns and their some 2,000,000 owners
represent no threat to the safety of the public. The portion of Canadians that
are gun owners, regardless of what kind of firearm they own represent no threat
to public safety. Yet the government is bent on confiscating private property
and intruding on gun owners' most fundamental rights. This issue has been
political in the extreme for generations – liberals supporting gun control,
conservatives against gun control. Gun control policy is most strongly
supported by the urban female voter, and gun control as a wedge issue excites
the respective party bases. The fact is, gun ownership is a non-issue, no one
needs to spend time on it.
To further illustrate how costly this phenomenon is, let's take a moment
to think about what might be done with the funds that are being wasted due to
the public’s map of reality being distorted – $8 billion would provide $100,000
to 80,000 Autism kids, a Japanese company in India built the equivalent of a
Vancouver to Hope rapid transit line for approximately $8 billion, we could
provide 16,000 $500,000 forgivable business start-up loans, we could start a
bond return augmentation program to incent innovation in key industries like environmentally
friendly products and services, we could put $2 Million toward 4000 first
nation water systems … you’re getting the picture. I've used gun control as an
example above, but there are many other examples to draw from, a fact that
amplifies the damage being done.
A Case for Self Defence
Why, in Section 7 Declaration of Rights of 1688, was self-defence
recognized as valid (then directed to protestants, in contemporary Canada it
would apply to all). And then again, why, in 1892 was self-defence considered a
valid reason to lawfully carry a handgun and in 2023 self-defence has fallen by
the wayside. Whether one is threatened by a rabid animal or a homicidal person,
the threat is there in the moment, and the 10-minute response time of the
police is unhelpful. The fact is, the police are unable to protect against
these sorts of threats, and citizens are left to fend for themselves. This is
an unacceptable circumstance, the right to life and security of a person must
be attended to by the state, if the state is unable to attend to the section
seven rights of citizens, it must permit citizens to attend to them on their
own accord and by their own good judgement. This is especially true in remote
locations such as farms etc.
Self-defence is a valid reason to have a firearm, defending one’s life
is a right and defending the life of another is a moral obligation. This value
is expressed in the United Nations doctrine of Responsibility to Protect, while
directed at state scale instances, the moral obligation to protect remains
valid at the individual level.
Rather than making people, women, into victims that must wait for help,
we should be empowering them to defend themselves and others, as they do in so
many countries around the world. With correct training, a civilian can be as
effective and safe in the use of a firearm as a police officer. Had we taken
this attitude and taught the women victims of the Polytechnique shooting how to
care for themselves it is likely some, if not all, would be with us today. England,
with very strict gun control laws, had a higher rate of gun crime through a
period of IRA violence than the US – when people decide to do something illegal
and a firearm is their chosen means to execute, they find guns - there will
always be a man with a gun.
The attitude that accompanies the insistence that state actors are the
only people qualified to attend to this most personal challenge, is part of the
devolution of the individual’s standing in Canada. There is a greater
insistence by the government to force people to depend on officialdom rather
than to be self-reliant. This is a dangerous trend because, in matters related
to self-defence the state is unable to effectively respond to certain types of
threats that befall an individual - no matter how committed a police officer
is, they can only drive a car so fast, and most acts of violence occur in an
The Government’s Insistence on “Disarming” People is a Trigger – A case
for returning to the status quo.
Many people are concerned by the government’s insistence on “disarming”
people, particularly in the face of there being no data to support the
government’s actions. The imposition of the gun registry and its subsequent
removal in 2012 indicated no marked impact on public safety in having it or not
having it. The recent spat of gun violence in Toronto for example
has been the product of illegal guns in the hands of criminals. The legal gun
community is almost entirely absent in the illegal use of firearms.
” Indeed, there are more than two million PAL holders in Canada; each
one has been vetted by the RCMP and is checked nightly for any violation
through the “continuous eligibility screening” program. Firearm owners are also
exceptionally law-abiding. PAL holders are less likely to commit murder than
other Canadians. Between 2000 and 2020, the number of PAL holders accused of
homicide varied from 6 to 21, averaging 12 accused per year out of
approximately 2 million PAL holders. The number of PAL holders increased from
1,979,054 to 2,206,755 over this same time period, so the annual rate over 20
years was 0.63 accused per 100,000 PAL holders.”
Fraser Institute November 25, 2022
This reality is triggering a negative reaction, a fearful reaction in
some cases, in this otherwise exceptionally law-abiding group many are
perceiving an injustice.
We are at a critical juncture in Canada, a confluence of factors has
emerged: post-Covid realities, the fragmentation of our national narrative and
societal fissures that have emerged from these events, the “real” two solitudes
in Canada - rural and urban are diverging rapidly and, finally, the events in
Ukraine are driving the imperative to vigorously prepare for national defence.
The gun control initiatives of the present government are serving to amplify
division generally. Furthermore, the gun control initiatives are
attacking and alienating the very law-abiding citizens who possess the
fortitude and predilection to come to arms should it be required. The funds
that will be consumed by this effort should proceed would be better directed at
any number of initiatives – this type of expenditure on what one can only
deduct to be political pandering is irresponsible.
There are no grounds by which the government can assert that it is fair,
sound and reasonably necessary to confiscate private property in the form of
firearms from law-abiding citizens. These people are exemplary citizens, vetted
for criminality and with a longstanding track record of responsible firearm
ownership. Whether these individuals have a 3 or 30-shot clip, an automatic
weapon or a single shot or a handgun, their presence is benign; this fact is
clearly demonstrated by the data. The legal gun owners of Canada are being
discriminated against due to the politicization of the issue distorting the map
of reality of the body general. The data is clear that the risk associated with
gun ownership as has been the status quo post-2012 warrants no further
government intervention when you contextualize the very limited risk of legal
gun ownership with the full breadth of human endeavour.
Please reconsider your actions in this regard.
Kind Regards,
Neil E. Thomson
We do need another perspective on this issue, objective assessment is
important here also.
These are some of the issues that I think CBC can make a
retrospective assessment of, and contribute in a meaningful way to correcting
some of the distortions in public perception that the political process has
Neil E. Thomson
A collection of governance observations and policy solutions.
Click the link.
There is a prompt at the paysite to fill in your email.
When I receive payment, I will forward an electronic copy of the book (PDF).
The Honourable Justin Trudeau
Ottawa, Ontario,
K1A 0A6
Dear Sir,
RE: Firearm Legislation
I can
demonstrate clearly that there is no justification for the most recent
government gun control initiatives. When the issue is contextualized to
societal risks generally, a person legally owning a firearm of any kind fails
to make muster as a justification for a governmental intrusion on the right to
own a firearm. There is a fulsome body of law in relation to property rights
and the expropriation of same. There is also a long-standing cultural and
(British / Canadian) legal tradition dating back 400 years in support of
citizen ownership of firearms. Further, and more importantly, Section 7 of the
Charter of Rights and Freedoms is excited in relation to this matter, both
under the rubric of liberty generally and security of person. Further again,
Section 15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is excited, as these
government actions unjustifiably discriminate against an unenumerated class of
people. Please, let me reason with you, please consider the
Excerpt from my
recent book – On Canadian Governance
A useful
concept to use to consider in relation to gun control is called
the “Availability Heuristic Salient” (AHS). In instances where the
AHS affects public opinion, the ease of imagining an example or the vividness
and emotional impact of that example becomes more credible than the actual
statistical probability. Because an example is easily brought to mind or
mentally "available", the single example is considered representative
of the whole, rather than as just a single example in a range of data. Salient
events tend to distort the judgement of risk.
Click Here: Emergencies Measures Act Charter Right Concerns
There are
issues where Availability Heuristic Salient drives policy that is detached
from mathematical reality and this distorts
public perception and the political process, one
such policy area is gun control. People who are unfamiliar with firearms are
intimidated by them. They hear about mass shootings on television, they see
movies with guns going off. They have
repeated exposure to the most extreme outcome of firearm use and the pro-gun
control lobby uses the high level of saliency to support, what is truly an
irrational position.
government of Canada spent approximately 2.7 billion dollars on a long gun
registry. Then, in 2012 the long gun registry was scrapped with no significant effect on public safety – 2.7 billion dollars
wasted. The government of Canada at the time of writing, is embarking on the
banning of certain classes of firearms and implementing a freeze on handguns. The
ban on certain classes of firearms involves a “buyback” program – the total
cost of which ranges from 2.6 to 6.7 billion dollars according to a Fraser
Institute article written July 30, 2021.
Click Here: Military Preparedness
According to
Statistics Canada “In 2020, police reported a total of 743 homicide victims in
Canada or a rate of 1.95 per 100,000 population. For 277 of these victims, a
firearm was used to commit the homicide (for a rate of 0.73 homicides per
100,000 population). “Overall, one in four (25%) female victims of
firearm-related violent crime were victimized by a current or former spouse or another
intimate partner.”
Deaths (Risk) / 100,000 |
Cause of Death |
Rate / 100,000 |
Female IPD (Intimate
Partner Deaths) |
0.046 |
Female Deaths by
Firearms |
0.180 |
Firearm Deaths
Excluding Suicide |
0.180 |
Total Deaths by
Firearms |
0.730 |
Motor Vehicle Fatalities |
4.600 |
50-Years or Older
Male – Aspirin |
10.400 |
Suicide |
10.600 |
Opioid- and
Stimulant-related Harms |
19.500 |
Preventable Accidents |
66.000 |
Tree Falling (Occupational
Risk in the United States) |
357.000 |
In Canada, 277 people per year are killed in gun-related incidents (one
would be too many) yet we are spending as much as $8 billion on gun control and
nothing on a medical records system when in Canada 25,000 people die each year
from preventable medical accidents. In the context of rational thought, medical
accidents should be our priority.
Here are a few points to illustrate how politicization distorts response
to real-world problems. There is no factual support that the Canadian public
will be safer because of the billions spent on gun control, yet the government
is doing it anyway. The legally restricted guns and their some 2,000,000 owners
represent no threat to the safety of the public. The portion of Canadians that
are gun owners, regardless of what kind of firearm they own represent no threat
to public safety. Yet the government is bent on confiscating private property
and intruding on gun owners' most fundamental rights. This issue has been
political in the extreme for generations – liberals supporting gun control,
conservatives against gun control. Gun control policy is most strongly
supported by the urban female voter, and gun control as a wedge issue excites
the respective party bases. The fact is, gun ownership is a non-issue, no one
needs to spend time on it.
To further illustrate how costly this phenomenon is, let's take a moment
to think about what might be done with the funds that are being wasted due to
the public’s map of reality being distorted – $8 billion would provide $100,000
to 80,000 Autism kids, a Japanese company in India built the equivalent of a
Vancouver to Hope rapid transit line for approximately $8 billion, we could
provide 16,000 $500,000 forgivable business start-up loans, we could start a
bond return augmentation program to incent innovation in key industries like
environmentally friendly products and services, we could put $2 Million toward
4000 first nation water systems … you’re getting the picture. I've used gun
control as an example above, but there are many other examples to draw from, a
fact that amplifies the damage being done.
A Case for Self Defence
Why, in
Section 7 Declaration of Rights of 1688, was self-defence recognized as valid
(then directed to protestants, in contemporary Canada it would apply to all). And
then again, why, in 1892 was self-defence considered a valid reason to lawfully
carry a handgun and in 2023 self-defence has fallen by the wayside. Whether one
is threatened by a rabid animal or a homicidal person, the threat is there in
the moment, and the 10-minute response time of the police is unhelpful. The fact
is, the police are unable to protect against these sorts of threats, and citizens
are left to fend for themselves. This is an unacceptable circumstance, the
right to life and security of a person must be attended to by the state, if the
state is unable to attend to the section seven rights of citizens, it must
permit citizens to attend to them on their own accord and by their own good
judgement. This is especially true in remote locations such as farms etc.
is a valid reason to have a firearm, defending one’s life is a right and
defending the life of another is a moral obligation. This value is expressed in
the United Nations doctrine of Responsibility to Protect, while directed at
state scale instances, the moral obligation to protect remains valid at the
individual level.
Rather than
making people, women, into victims that must wait for help, we should be
empowering them to defend themselves and others, as they do in so many countries
around the world. With correct training, a civilian can be as effective and
safe in the use of a firearm as a police officer. Had we taken this attitude and
taught the women victims of the Polytechnique shooting how to care for
themselves it is likely some, if not all, would be with us today. England, with
very strict gun control laws, had a higher rate of gun crime through a period of
IRA violence than the US – when people decide to do something illegal and a firearm
is their chosen means to execute, they find guns - there will always be a man with a gun.
The attitude
that accompanies the insistence that state actors are the only people qualified
to attend to this most personal challenge, is part of the devolution of the
individual’s standing in Canada. There is a greater insistence by the government to
force people to depend on officialdom rather than to be self-reliant. This is a
dangerous trend because, in matters related to self-defence the state is unable
to effectively respond to certain types of threats that befall an individual -
no matter how committed a police officer is, they can only drive a car so fast,
and most acts of violence occur in an instant.
Government’s Insistence on “Disarming” People is a Trigger – A case for
returning to the status quo.
Many people are concerned by the government’s insistence on “disarming” people, particularly
in the face of there being no data to support the government’s actions. The
imposition of the gun registry and its subsequent removal in 2012 indicated no
marked impact on public safety in having it or not having it. The recent spat of gun violence in Toronto for example has
been the product of illegal guns in the hands of criminals. The legal gun
community is almost entirely absent in the illegal use of firearms.
” Indeed,
there are more than two million PAL holders in Canada; each one has been vetted
by the RCMP and is checked nightly for any violation through the “continuous
eligibility screening” program. Firearm owners are also exceptionally
law-abiding. PAL holders are less likely to commit murder than other Canadians.
Between 2000 and 2020, the number of PAL holders accused of homicide varied
from 6 to 21, averaging 12 accused per year out of approximately 2 million PAL
holders. The number of PAL holders increased from 1,979,054 to 2,206,755 over
this same time period, so the annual rate over 20 years was 0.63 accused per
100,000 PAL holders.”
Fraser Institute November 25, 2022
This reality
is triggering a negative reaction, a fearful reaction in some cases, in this otherwise
exceptionally law-abiding group many are
perceiving an injustice.
We are at a
critical juncture in Canada, a confluence of factors has emerged: post-Covid
realities, the fragmentation of our national narrative and societal fissures
that have emerged from these events, the “real” two solitudes in Canada - rural
and urban are diverging rapidly and, finally, the events in Ukraine are driving
the imperative to vigorously prepare for national defence. The gun control
initiatives of the present government are serving to amplify division
generally. Furthermore, the gun control
initiatives are attacking and alienating the very law-abiding citizens who
possess the fortitude and predilection to come to arms should it be required. The
funds that will be consumed by this effort should proceed would be better
directed at any number of initiatives – this type of expenditure on what one
can only deduct to be political pandering is irresponsible.
There are no
grounds by which the government can assert that it is fair, sound and
reasonably necessary to confiscate private property in the form of firearms
from law-abiding citizens. These people are exemplarity citizens, vetted for
criminality and with a longstanding track record of responsible firearm ownership.
Whether these individuals have a 3 or 30-shot clip, an automatic weapon or a
single shot or a handgun, their presence is benign; this fact is clearly
demonstrated by the data. The legal gun owners of Canada are being discriminated
against due to the politicization of the issue distorting the map of reality of
the body general. The data is clear that the risk associated with gun ownership
as has been the status quo post-2012 warrants no further government
intervention when you contextualize the very limited risk of legal gun
ownership with the full breadth of human endeavour.
reconsider your actions in this regard.
Kind Regards,
Neil E.