Sunday, May 14, 2023

Irrational policy

What has been lost in Western politics generally has been lost in Canada, an eye to the greater good. Canadian governance has been captured by special interests. Political bickering has reduced political discourse to a team sport. Ineffective legislation is the norm. 25000 people per year die from preventable medical accidents - I find the number alarming - yet it is never mentioned in the news – likely more people than COVID on an annual basis and for COVID they shut the country down. The challenge we face is the public's map of reality has been warped by the press and the polarized political environment. People need an honest broker to give them objective data so they can make accurate risk assessments. Preventable medical accidents take 66 / 100,000, the drug crisis 19 / 100,000, total deaths by firearms .73 / 100, 000. Why are we frittering away what will likely total 6 billion dollars on ineffective gun legislation? Why would we rather build damns that destroy millions of acres of important wildlife habitats, when modern nuclear power is safe and effective. Why has Germany shut down the nuclear plants and been a "leader" in climate policy only to send Russia 1 billion per day for natural gas? Why has Canada failed to respond to the coming energy crisis in Europe by getting LNG up and running? Governance in the West has taken an irrational turn and unless we change it, we'll be leaving hell behind us for our grandchildren.