Supply Management Reform – Dairy Industry - Conference Board of Canada
It is clear that in Canada the supply management system
needs to be reformed, specific to dairy, the interests embedded in the present regulatory
modality of conduct are retarding the industry's growth. As an individual that
wants to enter the industry at a scale and at a pace that is practical, as an individual
that attempted to seek the support of the present industry complex to engage in
business and was in effect rebuked for my efforts, there is no one more enthusiastic
to see reform here. I have faith that there is a viable place on the WORLD
stage for the Canadian Dairy industry, the question is “how to shed the baggage
of the present supply management system”. This posting is in response to the Conference
GROWTH. This is an outstanding piece of work and warrants study by anyone that
wants to see the Canadian Dairy industry removed from the constraints of the
The report does an excellent job of quantifying the
industry and the cost of supply management. It understates or to some degree or
neglects to stress the mass of capital that is sitting latent, at a market
value of 23 Billion dollars, the cost of quota ownership zaps the industry of vital
resources. The report shows the 600 million dollars or so each year that it
costs farmers to finance quota, it fails to project where farmers would be if
they had those resources deployed toward production rather than licensing.
Also absent was a quantification of the regulatory
overhead the industry now carries, other industries are absent Boards to
manage them, and the market manages itself. The incremental increase in the product
of $260 per family per year would be more tolerable if farmers were getting it,
but much of it flows to the administrative aspects of the regulatory process.
The new industry vision is a welcome expression of a brave
and viable way forward with a strong argument to support it. There is no doubt
the present state of the industry and the regulatory regime it is affected and is stunted, both domestically and internationally. I personally attempted to
start a dairy-related business that in no way diminished incumbents in the
industry, was innovative and at scale and would eventually integrate with the
present system – it was met with near-violent opposition.
The present industry quota value of $23 billion is
massive, yet the report suggested that we buy the industry out at approximately
$5 billion. One understands the rationale presented in the report, the vintage
of the quota affects the cost or benefit of ownership; the fact remains, however, that any dairy farmer now in possession of the quota can sell it for fair
market value – to institute a transition strategy that deviates from fair
market value is going to meet resistance from the industry regardless of
whether one can pencil out a justification. The challenge is that Quota is
viewed as an, and is an asset with a market value, producers if not reimbursed
at FMV will be in a position of loss relative to the status quo. One can make the
argument and demonstrate a relative advantage to one producer over the other;
however, you are saying to the industry with a quota valued at 23 billion that
the buyout is 5 billion - it is a hard sell.
quota system was developed by the government and it generated a quota that had value,
at issuance as much as later, the presence of value is substantiated both by
the rationale for creating quota and by the subsequent valuation that evolved via
government-sanctioned and created exchanges. The report states “And the policy
can be justified because, as a matter of law, new entrants were required to buy
quota as a condition of entry into the business whereas the initial quota
allocation was issued at no cost." This approach takes the position that farmers
should not need to realize a capital gain on their quota asset funded by
taxpayers or consumers.” This is analogous to the government asserting that because a family has had land since it was
homesteaded, or granted by the government, then it should be valued less upon
expropriation than a family's land that was purchased shortly after. The key
consideration here is the government defined and permitted the quota system to
evolve and the value of the quota was a product of government intervention in the
marketplace. The government chose to effect a subsidy, the license to garner
that subsidy had and has value. The transition needs to be equitable yes, the
math does count, it must be just as well. It is unfair that consumers have subsidized
approximately $260 / household/year – the government intervention in the
market generated this unfairness. It would be unfair also to take from farmers
an asset that has been held and sustained at the cost of opportunities foregone.
Transition needs to be as rapid as possible and the government will have to pay. The farmers should receive the FMV for the quota over ten years, said rights transferable by sale. The government can finance this transition from debt, and the increase in production and expansion of industrial activities via the export markets will likely go a long way to paying the bill over the buyout period – it surely will over time.
Transition needs to be as rapid as possible and the government will have to pay. The farmers should receive the FMV for the quota over ten years, said rights transferable by sale. The government can finance this transition from debt, and the increase in production and expansion of industrial activities via the export markets will likely go a long way to paying the bill over the buyout period – it surely will over time.
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