Friday, June 21, 2019

Small - Ship - Big experience

The small-ship concept has as base DNA the charter boat business; one offers a boat for hire, people occupy said boat, income is generated. The small-ship concept offers other elements than a mere live on boat experience, it offers an upscale on ship experience with premium ancillary activities: onboard skeet shooting, submarine tours, scuba diving, heli-fishing, heli-skiing, heli hiking, wildlife viewing, glacier lunches … all premium all of the time. The market segment this concept is directed toward consists of perhaps readers of the Field, Gray Sporting Journal, Rob Report, Economist – the clearest statement in the definition of the market segment is - $6000/day/person, all-inclusive. Operational modality, the provisioning of one peak experience per day, and more if you can fit it in. 

The backdrop for this business, the west coast of the Americas; in summer the pristine wilderness of British Columbia, in spring and fall the Gallipolis Islands, and in “winter” the west coast of South America.

The ship, a 150’ Cat, big power & fast - 40 knots or better and seaworthy; over the course of a week, this ship provides the ability to hit every premium wilderness destination on the British Columbia Coast. The staterooms offering no perceivable difference from accommodation at the finest hotel, save a superior and ever-changing view.  Guest numbers of less than twenty, staffing numbers of twenty. On board a 15 seat helicopter, a two-person submarine, seaworthy small craft for excursions, hot tubs, health centre, premium galley and group sensitive dining facilities.  
The people - the captain, marine biologist, activity director, premium culinary staff, health director, guides, pilots … the goal, the most personable, the most accomplished.

This offering is designed from the ground up to be exceptional; an absolutely premium experience in the right place at the right time. 

Capital Requirements: $40 Million

Preliminary numbers work, the only requirement for success, of course, is guests, while this market is hard to assess, one assumes this offering to be desirable and very popular.